2.438m Ledgers
2.438m Ledgers
The Dynaton Ringlock system combines strength and visual appeal.
The design is based on a simple eight-hole rosette which provides a positive self-securing assembly, automatic right angles, basic componentry and a straightforward logical assembly process.
The Ringlock system components are light and easy to handle as there are no threaded or loose fittings, allowing the assembly to be safe, fast and simple.
The captive wedge connections are locked with the tap of a hammer and each component is easily identifiable. Where possible components are stored in pallets for ease of handling and transport.
Our Ringlock system incorporates a unique back to back angle transom feature. This ensures the planks are held captive between the transoms and provides a safe, quick and positive location function when installing the plank decking.
All Ringlock components are hot dip galvanised to give long service, with minimal maintenance.
An added bonus is Dynaton's aesthetically pleasing look providing your client with a project of which to be proud.
Dynaton Sales & Hire (ABN: 28 141 123 739) is a 100% Australian owned company based in Brisbane. Choose Dynaton for quality Formwork and Scaffold products. We sell to the public at wholesale rates.
MON - THU 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
FRIDAY 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
213 Sandy Creek Road, Yatala, QLD 4207
E-mail: Sales@Dynaton.com.au
MON - THU 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
FRIDAY 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Unit3, 30 Bosci Road, Ingleburn NSW 2565
E-mail: Sydney@dynaton.com.au
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Unit 19/46 Ellice Road, Wairau Valley, Auckland 0629
E-mail: Sales@dynaton.co.nz
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